Astana Media Center
AMC (Kazmedia Ortalygy) is a distinctive media figure, housing Kazakhstan national radio and TV stations’ and is a part of the urban context with its landmark quality. For that reason, lighting design of the tower enhances the importance of the tower for the city.
Even though the main concept of lighting design for interiors is developed for supporting the simplicity and transparency of the architecture, the use of colored light aims to create a dynamic atmosphere. General lighting of the lobby is supported via continuity of linear luminaires. Glare-free luminaires consist of 3000K light sources and create evenly lit spaces. While the straight light lines identify the space horizontally, color changing wall-wash lighting on the walls defines the borders of the space vertically and creates a lively atmosphere. In this space, vertical border is the colorful glass wall. These walls are illuminated from behind and become a part of the night image of the street.
The concert hall which has an eye-catching architectural feature of patterned three dimensional walls. Lighting design of the hall is derived from the idea of highlighting the uniqueness of these walls by using SMD LED light sources behind the wall surfaces. Following the idea of flexibility and dynamism, RGB color-changing luminaires are selected to light up the wall; therefore, the space fulfills the needs and requirements for various types of events.